Diabetes Health Awareness Day - February 2016



FODSL held a health awareness day - with free glucose screening.  The session raised awareness and promoted diabetes health in Sierra Leone by providing information about the disease.  Healthy eating tips and regular exercise were emphasized. We were also able to provide on-on-one advice and answer questions.

Diabetes and Hypertension are silent killers and little attention is paid to them in Sierra Leone. Because of belief systems, many Sierra Leoneans will not seek medical help to treat the disease early.   Late diagnosis and lack of knowledge are the key issues which result in many people developing complications from diabetes.

The session raised awareness and promoted diabetes health in Sierra Leone by providing information about the disease.  Healthy eating tips and regular exercise were emphasized. We were also able to provide on-on-one advice and answer questions.


Album Date: 

Tuesday, February 9, 2016
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